Pink triangles (

Pink triangles
International symbol of gay pride and the gay rights movement; used in Nazi Germany to identify male prisoners who were sent to concentration camps because of their homosexuality; in later years, this category of prisoners also included bisexual men and transgender women
2019-05-14 07:04:16 UTC
2021-09-24 07:17:19 UTC

অনুক্রম প্রদর্শন

LGBTQ symbols
Pink triangles

অন্যান্য ফরম্যাট (ভাষা শনাক্তকারী সহ): N-Triples, JSON-LD, Extended JSON, TTL, XML, MARC XML

লিগ্যাসি ফরম্যাট (ভাষা শনাক্তকারী ছাড়া) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL