Afro-European intersex people (

Afro-European intersex people
Intersex Afro-Europeans
Intersex people of African descent born in European countries or intersex people born in African countries who live in or have a strong connection to Europe. Only use for individuals who self-identify as Afro-European.
To acknowledge their multiple marginalization, terms for people of color who are LGBTQ+ use the following format: Racial or ethnic identity followed by gender or sexual identity (e.g., Black lesbians).
2023-09-29 14:03:39 UTC
2023-09-29 14:03:39 UTC

অনুক্রম প্রদর্শন

Afro-European LGBTQ+ people
Black intersex people
Afro-European intersex people

অন্যান্য ফরম্যাট (ভাষা শনাক্তকারী সহ): N-Triples, JSON-LD, Extended JSON, TTL, XML, MARC XML

লিগ্যাসি ফরম্যাট (ভাষা শনাক্তকারী ছাড়া) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL