Abortion access for LGBTQ+ people (https://homosaurus.org/v3/homoit0003366)

Abortion access for LGBTQ+ people
Term used to describe the various aspects determining whether abortions are accessible to LGBTQ+ people in a given location. Factors determining accessibility include legality, safety, privacy, financial cost, freedom of travel, etc.
Term suggested by Sal Hamerman in 2024.
2024-06-19 16:45:45 UTC
2024-06-19 16:45:45 UTC

অনুক্রম প্রদর্শন

Reproductive health care for LGBTQ+ people
Abortion access for LGBTQ+ people

অন্যান্য ফরম্যাট (ভাষা শনাক্তকারী সহ): N-Triples, JSON-LD, Extended JSON, TTL, XML, MARC XML

লিগ্যাসি ফরম্যাট (ভাষা শনাক্তকারী ছাড়া) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL